To Our Customers:
First let me thank everyone who has stepped up with donations of money, services, and food for our 48 resident cats. I am extremely grateful for your help and thoughtfulness, it is certainly much appreciated. If you are in the area and want to drop in and visit them, I would be happy to arrange the same. I would also like to thank you who reached out and purchased posters from the list, which helped.
Since the beginning of Covid Highlands Cinemas has been closed for 2 seasons. This is simple economics, being seasonal we have a high cost to open, this year would have been ($45,000.00) a short season, and a fixed cost to maintain the building with all expenses, ($75,000.00) a year. Looking back at all the restrictions, customer hesitancy, the state of the pandemic, the lack of, and streaming of movies, and considering the figures coming out of Theatres that did open, we would have never recovered our opening cost, and lost money which would have been disastrous. So assuming by next spring this mess is substantially over, it is our intention to re-open May 6th 2022. This isn’t going to be easy, we have two years of catching up to do, all our stock will have to be replaced. Some customers have been suggesting some kind of fundraiser to help get back open, but I am still thinking about that.
We are also going to have to start from scratch with staff, so if you are interested in working here for the 2022 system please send a resume to keithstata@nexicom.net . Or call Keith at 705 488 2199.
Lets hope in 2022 I can again say “We hope to see you at the movies!”